
Want To Step Up Your SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING? You Need To Read This First

Social media marketing is a way to introduce an audience or users to your business with the help of social media platforms by leveraging their witty features like fundraising, Instagram reels, chatbots, sponsored messages, Facebook and Instagram ads., AR filters, etc… to generate traffic and conversions for businesses. In the next 2 Minutes, I’ll give you a brief understanding of SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING.

When users interact with a post, video, article, audio file (podcast), or any type of content, they are consuming and learning about your business, Brands use social media marketing to reach and engage with their end consumers.

As of now, everything is digital thus, brands want the attention of the audience to scale their business which is quite simple nowadays. Brands are focusing on personal branding with the help of social media marketing.

I’ll tell you what it’s exactly like; Sharing creative content on social media to kickstart your business and generate traffic, sign-ups, user base, and sales. Social media marketers use social listening methods to know what the audience wants and based on their consumer behavior, brands create their products and services.

What do social media managers do?

The social media manager acts as a voice of a respective brand. A social media manager’s responsibility is to enhance brand presence, Increase marketing strategy efforts, Witty strategic planning, create public relations, manage the design team, respond to follower queries, copywriting, and a lot more stuff.

A marketing manager’s salary hovers around 20$ to 50$ per hour and of course, if you’re getting paid to be on social media platforms is quite amazing right? You should be covering all the basic concepts of other marketing-related terms like Meme marketing, Growth Marketing, Chatbot marketing, Podcast Marketing, Digital marketing, Affiliate marketing, presume marketing, Influencer marketing, and B2B marketing.

Social media jobs are high in demand when you look at the numbers, as per my knowledge every online business looks for a manager. During my B2B Marketing Internship, I was appointed as a social media manager, I will brief you on what I used to do as a manager.

My job is to create or curate content, engage with comments, run ad campaigns, create social media calendars and design strategies, and communicate with the design team for engaging content, and competitive analysis.

For example, If my goal is to increase followers on Instagram then I have to create shareable and savable content to reach a large audience. All responsible marketers also stay up-to-date about social media trends.

You can manage either one platform or you can pick 2-3 platforms if you have enough knowledge. Social media managers should be focusing on user base growth, engagement brand reach, Leads and traffic, and word-of-mouth marketing

Which Platform Should Focus on?

Instagram: Teenage market

The social media world is huge, people are connected on many platforms. It becomes an obsession for us which results in causes nomophobia ( The fear of being without mobile devices).

And you better know how addicted you are to your smartphones, In the next 5 min I will be sharing insights and features of the most favorable platforms where brands should focus on…

Here is the list overview.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • Podcasting platforms.

We will be focusing on how you can leverage these social media platforms.

Instagram is my favorite platform when it comes to personal branding. Over 95 million + photos are posted on Instagram, As on Facebook, you can share content in many forms like a post, videos, reels, IGTV videos, guides, shoppable posts, Stories ads, and much more. Instagram is all about real engagement between users and followers.

This is where influencer marketing came into real action for content creators who have a good amount of followers. Instagram business pages are like the first impression of your brand identity.

Instagram reels: Reel is an amazing feature launched by Instagram competing with Tiltok, Chingari, and Snapchat to become popular among all short video platforms. 

It is said that 70% of Instagram algorithms promote reels as compared to any other feature. , Linkedin and Twitter Launched the Stories feature to get into the entirely unexpected competition.

Showcase your products and services, do some witty advertising, and connect with your audience. 

Many small business owners are trying hands-on Instagram algorithms, which include graphic designers, consultants, Small startups, marketers, sales funnel experts, Freelancers, Fitness experts, coaches, and so on…

How social media managers use Instagram to bring leads and followers for brands. 

  • Be specific about your niche
  • Use relevant hashtags in the range of (min 5k+ to max 100k)
  • Make a shoppable post if you are a b2C brand.
  • Consistency is the key.
  • Leverage the latest trend: Meme Marketing

Be specific about your niche

It’s important to define your business and your area of expertise. Instagram will suggest you to other similar pages which is a boost to your brand new page.

Use Relevant Hashtags:

I noticed this common mistake among digital marketers which is using the right hashtag, Ya I’m serious, they only target high-ranking keywords (range 100k+) which is wrong.

Find midrange relevant keywords max 30 can be used along with geo hashtags. 

Midrange and low-competition hashtags let you win the ranking and that helps you to reach a larger audience.

Make a shoppable post if you are a b2C brand:

Instagram allows business pages to create shoppable posts that act as an e-commerce store. This can only be done if you have an e-commerce website, it only allows you to publish product catalogs, and answer followers’ queries. The fact is that 62% of the audience says they have become more inspired by stories and posts of brands or products.

Consistency is the key:

This is a major issue that every digital creator faces a lack of consistency many times during his social media journey. It acts as an essential ingredient in growth thus every content creator 

Tries to be consistent with their content.

Leverage the latest trend: Meme Marketing

I know everyone loves memes but brands are using memes to market their product and services, Why is it so? Memes are equal to relatability, which means your campaign must be related to the user’s or audience’s life experiences.

If you want a guide for Instagram, how you can build an engaging audience on Instagram, then you must read How to Grow on Instagram.

FACEBOOK: A whole country

It’s necessary to understand how businesses use Facebook to reach more audiences to generate traffic and sales, you must be knowing the fact that 60 million + brands are advertising on Facebook which is quite crazy to believe.

Normal people use Facebook to chat and to make new friends, but here is the thing: Facebook algorithms always promote real interactions.

Businesses are using the Facebook business suite to run ad campaigns, to reach a bigger audience, as mentioned in the title Facebook: A whole country, now you got your answer to why you should be focusing on Facebook.

Facebook ads are another whole concept to understand, meanwhile, It’s the simplest way to advertise products and services across all social media platforms. I will cover the Facebook ads concept and strategies in the next article.

Linkedin: B2B Hub

Linkedin is a great social listening platform for B2B marketers where they can find business out of brands. Its organic reach is very good compared to other platforms but you need to provide immense value to your connections so that they interact with your content. Here is the actual goal of Linkedin. 

The LinkedIn algorithm has two primary goals:

  1. To prioritize relevant content
  2. To promote engagement

Most importantly marketers need to build strong relationships with prospects, salespeople, company employees, and decision-makers. As a social media marketer, you need to develop core skills to build strong connections with your client. I will tell you what you need to maintain a Linkedin SSI score.

  • Create an Authentic business page/profile
  • Filter your connections and find people who can get you business.
  • Engage with posts, messages, comments, and stories
  • Build strong connections. 

Create an Authentic business page/profile.

Be clear about what you are doing and mention your achievements, brand goals, history, experience, and education. As a company page, share the latest company updates, showcase your products and services, and share relevant opportunities.

Filter your connections and find people who can get you business.

The right connection is really important in building a strong brand identity, though you need to choose your connection wisely. This is the fact that 24% of Millenials (18-24 years old) use Linkedin, and having a growing youth in connection can get you lots of business opportunities…

Engage with posts, messages, comments, and stories.

Don’t get too “pitchy” while interacting with your connections or prospects, Provide value that is relevant to their niche, and slowly build trust that will lead you to sales. Celebrate each achievement and be social in groups.

Build strong connections.

It’s the only thing everybody calls for trustable connections. Building relationships let you win this social media game. Whereas it is for every platform you want to grow your branches.

What about referrals? True followers do care about you; they seek attention, so referrals are a good option for them. Last but not least, appreciate your connections for their support. 

Linkedin SSI score tracks your progress which might help you in knowing what’s working and what’s to improve.

Social selling and social listing are lead-generation techniques where marketers build relationships with their prospects or connections to get business from them. People talk and share their stories on their social handles. Here is the deal my brother, They are telling you what they are looking for and what they exactly want.


Before pitching your offer and service you need to know the actual process to close the deal perfectly. I have divided on behalf of their responsibility.

Marketing team responsibility

  • Run ads/campaign
  • Generate inquiries
  • Nature leads
  • Send qualified leads to sales

Sales team responsibility 

  • Figure out Ideal Prospect
  • Pursue Qualified Leads
  • Cold Call (Email/Linkedin/Twitter)
  • Negotiate and close sales

I am always concerned about what type of content people are engaging in, what’s working and what’s not, and respectively experimenting with all strategies.

Podcasting Platforms.

On a quick note, Podcasting among Indians surged up to 60% massive growth, Researchers say that the average Indian podcaster earns 8 to 12 lacs/year which is unbelievable. Podcasting is the new normal among brands especially those who are in advertising and media.

According to resources, the average span of user attention is 8 sec. People try to save time as much as they can, podcast listeners have an advantage they can listen to their favorite episode or show while driving, eating, and even in the bathroom. 

Ah! Here we go with the best suitable platform for podcasting. I know this question is irritating you, Why should a social media manager focus on podcasting platforms?

I will take this responsibility to manage a podcast show. Your job is to make intros and outros, run Facebook ads campaigns for listeners or podcast audio ads, can manage sponsored audio ads on all streaming platforms.

With the minimum investment, you can build a great podcast setup, you need a noise reduction mic, Scripted or unscripted content with amazing communication skills.



Those are some must-knowing things you should focus on, social media is becoming a daily need for business as well as a competitive space for marketers, so predominate this race of becoming social media manager and develop a new revolution with your crazy ideas and marketing knowledge.

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